Thursday, October 31, 2019
Philosophy High School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Philosophy High School - Essay Example This is usually translated as the Way. But it's hard to say exactly what this means. The Tao is the ultimate creative principle of the universe. All things are unified and connected in The Tao. Taoism is a religion of unity and opposites; Yin and Yang. The principle of Yin Yang sees the world as filled with complementary forces - action and non-action, light and dark, hot and cold, and so on.3 The common view of Daoism is that it encourages people to live with detachment and calm, resting in non-action and smiling at the vicissitudes of the world. Contrary to this common view, Daoists through the ages have developed various forms of community and proposed numerous sets of behavioral guidelines and texts on ethical considerations. Beyond the ancient philosophers, who are well-known for the moral dimension of their teachings, religious Daoist rules cover both ethics, i.e., the personal values of the individual, and morality, i.e., the communal norms and social values of the organization. They range from basic moral rules against killing, stealing, lying, and sexual misconduct through suggestions for altruistic thinking and models of social interaction to behavioral details on how to bow, eat, and wash, as well as to the unfolding of universal ethics that teach people to think like the Dao itself. About eighty texts in the Daoist canon and its supplements describe such guide lines and present the ethical and communal principles of the Daoist religion. They document just to what degree Daoist realization is based on how one lives one's life in interaction with the community-family, religious group, monastery, state, and cosmos. Ethics and morality, as well as the creation of community, emerge as central in the Daoist religion. Livia Kohn, Cosmos and Community Taoist ethics are concerned less with doing good acts than becoming a good person who lives in harmony with all things and people.4 Taoist ethics are inseparable from Taoist spirituality - both contain the same ideas. If a Taoist wants to live well they should take all their decisions in the context of the Tao, trying to see what will fit best with the natural order of things. Taoists thus always do what is required by events and their context, but they only do what is required, no more. But what is required may be a lot less than modern Westerners think: From the perspective of classical Taoism, Western humanism makes the mistake of assuming that the ability to intervene in life's events translates into a moral duty to do so. The constant and unmistakable teaching of the Tao Te Ching is that humans are indeed capable of intervening in life's events, but the evidence of life, which humans constantly ignore, is that such intervention is destructive to all involved, and that we therefore have a moral duty to refrain from taking such actions. Russell Kirkland, Responsible non-action in a natural world So, in theory at least, Taoists tend not to initiate action - but wait for events to make action necessary - and avoid letting their own desires and compulsions push them into doing things. In practice Taoism recommends the same sorts of moral behavior to its followers as other religions. It disapproves of killing, stealing
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Synthetic Rubber Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Synthetic Rubber - Lab Report Example During polymerization the double bonds of the isoprene monomers give way to single bonds which will lead to further increase in length of product chain. Butyl rubber-also known as polyisobutylene (C4H8)-is a synthetic rubber and is produced by polymerization of about 98% of isobutylene with about 2% of isoprene (Wikipedia, 2006) using BF3, H2O, CH2CL2 as reaction activators under -78C temperature. e.g Similarities and Differencies: In both natural and synthetic rubbers production, the monomers can be mixed in various desirable proportions to achieve a wider range of physical, mechanical, and chemical properties through the use additive. The formation of natural and synthetic rubbers are three step Free radical eliminations and substitutions reactions. Both Natural and synthetic rubber reactions require protectants against deterioration during the coagulation and drying (CIWMB). 2. In its natural form rubber is too soft to be used for any useful purposes.Natural rubbers tends to be sticky and soft at high temperatures; while at low temperatures they are brittle and stiff, making them difficult to process. This is due to a high degree of entropy. Therefore, its properties were improved using special processing techniques. During vulcanization, or curing, of rubber, individual polymer molecules are linked to other polymer molecules by polysulphide
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Limitations Of High Rise Buildings Environmental Sciences Essay
The Limitations Of High Rise Buildings Environmental Sciences Essay The purpose of this report is to illustrate the limitations faced when planning, designing or constructing a high-rise Building. This report will explore the background of high-rise buildings, including their origins and technological advancements. It will bring to light any technical aspects pertaining to the limitation of high-rise buildings, such as materials and available technology. This report will also inform the reader of any professional involvement of both engineering and non-engineering careers, as well as bringing to light any social, cultural or heritage issues such as Indigenous participation. Furthermore this report will demonstrate any Ethical or Economical issues which may have an impact on the planning, designing or construction of a high-rise Building. Lastly it will discuss where High-rise Buildings may take us in the future and give insight to changes that may occur due to High-rise Buildings. Report Introduction Since man first started building high-rises, there has always been a limit on how high we can build them. As the years go on and as technology improves the limits to high-rise buildings height has been constantly broken and higher buildings have been made, BUT limits still exist. It is important to know why we have limits to building high-rise buildings and it is just as important knowing just what some of these limits are. Therefore research has been conducted and compiled and a report has been put together. This report is about the limits to building high-rise buildings the report will outline: The involvement of both engineering and non-engineering professionals Social/cross cultural/indigenous issues Ethical issues Economic issues These are the 4 topics that will be discussed in the report, along with a brief background of the limits and some technical aspects of topics. The report will also make sum conclusions as to what is believed to where the limits may lead us in the future or high-rise buildings. Unfortunately the report will not be covering many other issues to limits in high rise buildings as there are many, many reasons limiting high rise buildings. 1.0 Background to High-Rise Limitations Abstract The construction of high-rise buildings has been and always will be greatly limited. The provision of this section of the report is to provide the background information on why construction was so limited. Several major limits that were broken will be discussed. Also discussed will be the inventions and/or processes which were used to break them. Introduction There are many factors that limit man from building great structures however many of these limits have already being broken and will continue to be surpassed. Throughout history man has built some great structures like The Great Pyramid of Giza and the Two Towers of Bologna. The Pyramid of Giza built in the 26th century BC was formally known as the tallest structure in the world. Standing 146m above ground its height was not exceeded for thousands of years. Although these great structures existed for thousands of years, tall buildings that were continuously habitable did not exist until the late 1800s. After the late 1800s buildings that blew the minds of men began to appear. These buildings include; Empire State Building of New York, The Q1 on the gold coast, and now the tallest building in the world, The Khalifa Tower of Dubai which stands 828m above ground. Significant Changes to Highrise Buildings The worlds first iron framed building was the Oriel Chambers in Liverpool built in 1864; it was only five stories high as elevators had not yet been invented yet [4]. This was a reason why construction was so limited before the mid 1800s. It seemed that the higher the office building the cheaper it was to rent because it was impractical for inhabitants to walk a great number of stairs. The first building to include an elevator was the Equity Assurance Building of New York built in 1870. Once the elevator was implemented, suddenly the top stories were more valuable than the lower stories. And now you can get higher rents on the top stories because they are quieter, there is better light, and they are away from the noise and dirt of the street [1]. The invention and inclusion of the elevator in construction greatly influenced the skylines of every major city in the world. Vertical architecture would be impossible, first of all, without the elevator, the great equalizer of civilization, which . . . by excessively rapid express service, makes the twentieth floor scarcely more difficult to access than the third. . . . Without [the elevator] its chief merit [of the tall building] would be gone; without it its upper stories would be as inaccessible as a mountaintop. [2] Skelton and Conventional Construction Methods Even though the elevator now eliminated the hassle of stairs and allowed for growth of buildings the height of buildings was still limited because of the method of construction used. In ordinary methods of building, the higher the wall the thicker it must be at its lower parts, a hefty area of a valuable lot in the tight inner-city must be surrendered to enormously thick walls [3]. Architect William Le Baron Jenney was the first to use a load-bearing structural frame which supported the entire weight of the walls. This was the beginning of the Steel Skeleton Construction method of building. This development led to the construction of the first skyscraper being ten stories high. The Home Insurance Building in Chicago, built in 1885. Even though the building stood tall many people were scared and didnt believe in the idea at all. Four years later an architect named Bradford Gilbert believed in the idea and designed the Tower Building in New York using the skeleton method. There were al ready buildings which were taller than the tower building however they were not built on block of land which seemed greatly inadequate. With the construction of the tower building Bradford Gilbert convinced people and architects in New York that this method of construction was feasible. The Skeleton method of construction solved the problem of economizing space in the lower floors of high and narrow buildings and was used all over the world. As land diminishes in the inner-city the tend is to build upwards. Lack of land in the inner city is great factor which limits the construction of high rise buildings. The skeleton method of construction helped solve this problem to a certain extent however with todays knowledge and understanding the lack of land in the inner-city will always limit the height of construction. Construction There are still many limits which man has not yet surpassed, however as seen from this section of the report some inventions came along which completely changed the standard of construction. With the invention of the elevator the corporate world was turned on its head as tall buildings were now accessible and now the higher you go the more expensive it is, where as it used to be the opposite. The higher you went the cheaper it was. The skeleton method of construction revolutionised the construction world. It allowed for buildings to grow hundreds of metres in the air while using minimal area on the ground. 2.0 Technical Aspects Pertaining to the Limitations of High Rise Buildings 2.1 Introduction High rise mega structures have forever plagued the thoughts of mankind, from the beginning of the technological age we have marvelled at our own achievements forever striving to build bigger, better and higher in an effort to reach for the stars. Tall buildings in modern society bestow many great attributes however as we continue to construct a more cumbersome empire of mega structures we will face many new technical obstacles to overcome. 2.2 Possible Risks Many technical factors influence our ability to build greater structures. Environmental and human disasters such as; earthquakes, fires, hurricanes and terrorism supply great difficulty while scientific breakthroughs in materials, mechanics and methodology prove to be either impractical, ineffective or unachievable at this time [4]. External forces are a major concern we must face when designing our high rises. One of the most important concerns to consider when designing high rises is their ability to withstand lateral forces imposed by things like strong winds, hurricanes and earthquakes [5]. 2.3 Strengths and Technologies The strength of modern materials surprisingly is not a major factor in the development of high rise buildings. Steel is strong enough to support structures 10 km or taller while advanced composites can support structures much greater again. Certain mechanical implementations such as massive suspended tuned pendulum dampers can be utilised in tall buildings to counteract the environmental rigors of high wind and impending earthquakes [6]. High rises are not only a distinguishing symbol of prestige but they also prove to be excellent at accommodating a large mass of people in a relatively small area. In commercial terms this allows businesses to maintain close proximity with the central district of inner cities while reducing pressure on already densely populated urban localities [7]. 2.4 Threat of Terrorism As iconic and essential as these high rise structures may be, sometimes they can become the target of terrorism. One of the most historical events of this manner occurred on September 11th 2001 When the World Trade Centres in the United States were demolished after airliners were hijacked and sent on suicide missions killing over 3000 people [8]. 2.5 Conclusion To overcome these problems various technical innovations such as; security cameras, vehicle detection equipment and computer identification checks can be utilised as well as organic, inorganic and metal x-ray detection systems. While technical defence and prevention systems such as these do help to prevent terrorism, modern security systems are still limited by current technologies. 3.0 The Involvement of both Engineering and Non-Engineering professions 3.1 Introduction As this project will effect many individuals in the aspect of employment and work it is vitally important to specify who will be effected and how. Although a big project such as a high-rise building will provide a large scale of jobs, there is always the risk that the construction/finished project could permanently damage someone elses business. As a result careful planning must be taken to ensure minimal harm is done to private business. 3.2 Engineering/Tradesmen Professions High-rise buildings are great opportunities for steady work for hundreds of professions. Some of these professions include engineers, builders, architects and various tradesmen jobs. As the specific project looks to challenge the limited heights of high-rise buildings it can be assumed that it would provide a great deal of jobs throughout the construction and development. As this is a field of work which has been hit reasonably hard by the recent global economic crisis, this project would be greatly beneficial to the workers and contractors involved. 3.3 Non-Engineering Professions Small business has an important role in local and regional economies, and collectively they contribute to the Australian economy. Many small businesses exist in inner city networks, which are areas prone to expansion and development, such as high-rise buildings. Many depend on easy access from roads as the primary means to transport goods and services and to link to other small businesses. Small businesses need to know about construction in the area which could impact on their profession [9]. Before construction takes place it is the responsibility of the engineering company to ensure a community liaison contacts and notifies the surrounding businesses of the high-rise plans. It is also then the community liaisons task to answer any concerns or queries, as a result of development, regarding the businesses viability. These could include; loss of revenue, loss of customers, loss of/or restricted access for customers, disruptions to the delivery of goods and services, noise, visual and air pollution and lastly the potential for increased crime due to loss of visibility. It is vitally important to gain the support of private businesses, so any contact must be carefully planned first. 3.4 Construction and Development During construction there is always the possibility of complaints regarding noise levels, obstruction and inconvenience. To ensure these matters are dealt with appropriately, engineering/construction firms provide adequate signage around the worksite referring the public as to whom to contact. Companies are also required to display signage before construction takes place, to allow time for any complaints or queries to be dealt with. By taking these steps engineering/construction companies can not be held accountable for any future complaints. 3.5 Conclusion The construction of large high-rise buildings can have impacts on both engineering and non engineering professions. It is vital to take precautions, before initiating construction, to notify any and all non-engineering professions effected of the possible changes which will be taking place. For this reason liaisons must be employed to establish an effective working communication and to answer any concerns private business could have. 4.0 Social/ Cultural/ Indigenous Issues 4.1 Introduction In every instance of construction it is vitally important to thoroughly cover the issue of public and cultural negotiations and communications. Careful precautions must be taken from the very start of planning the project, to ensure that everyones opinion is heard and concern answered. Both governmental and private corporations employ teams of people to guarantee that community engagement is correctly achieved. 4.2 Cultural Heritage Overview A primary concern is that of cultural heritage, specifically towards indigenous peoples. Under that heritage protection act, engineering firms must take care that they do not damage or disturb any landscape that could be considered of indigenous importance. Indigenous Australians make up for about 2.7 percent of the population (77.4% aboriginal and 22.6% Torres Strait islanders) [10]. Land and sea are very important to their cultures and connectivity to country is central to peoples lives. Legislation requires companies to engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders on indigenous cultural heritage matters. When engaging with indigenous Australians, it is important to plan a communiquà © before addressing the community. Past experiences with public officials has left many indigenous communities with a sense of frustration and powerlessness. As a result certain communities may not want be supportive and or cooperate with the company. The main steps in planning and engagement activity are imperative. Theses steps include, researching and knowing about the community, understanding its history and acknowledging their diversity and connection to land and sea. 4.3 Construction and Development During the development and construction stage of the high-rise it is essential to make certain that no elements of indigenous importance are damaged. This is achieved by taking several precautionary measures. As Indigenous peoples have a right to oversee the project, a monitor, whose primary concern is recognizing and evaluating artifacts of importance must be hired. Indigenous Monitors have the authority to postpone and hold up projects for extended periods of time, until the landscape can be deemed safe to build on [11]. Another measure which must be taken under the Heritage Protection Act is notifying the Contractor that he or she shall be responsible for the management of indigenous cultural heritage artifacts while construction is underway. It is also the Contractors duties to ensure that all staff related to the project has attended a Cultural Heritage Induction Course. 4.4 Social/Community Issues As well as being considerate to Indigenous peoples it is equally important to be considerate towards the general public. Before Building a High-Rise building it is the companies responsibility to notify the public that construction is going to be underway. This can be achieved using tools such as; flyers, TV advertisements, letterbox drop/direct mail and or website information. After the public has been properly alerted, they have the option to notify their city council about any concerns or complaints that they might have regarding the project. 4.5 Conclusion Before commencing any construction project it is vital to deliver all necessary information to the key stakeholders and if possible gather their support. Adequate planning and preparation must be done before the project initiates and planning must be relevant to the community which is to be engaged. Care must also be taken to guarantee not to damage or violate any potential places of importance regarding indigenous Australians, during construction. 5.0 Ethical Limitations to High-Rise Buildings 5.1 Introduction With todays population only ever increasing the trend is to build upward. Throughout the planning and construction stages of high-rise buildings there are many limitations that affect the end products in which we see today. One of these limitations is the ethical issues involving high-rise building which revolve around the safety, the environment and the community. These issues must be carefully thought about and investigated before the building can begin. 5.2 Community A limiting factor in the production of high-rises can often be the community. When plans go into council, the community also gets a say. Allowing the community to get a say in what goes ahead and what doesnt can bring about large restrictions to high-rise buildings. Some issues that limit high-rise buildings, due to the community may include the use of the building and the look of the building. These two issues can become entwined in a communities decision making process, where depending on the ethical view point expressed by the community as a whole, these viewpoints include, Kantianism, Utilitarianism, human rights, environmental ethical. A community might take a utilitarianism point of view when approving a high-rise if the building does not fit the council guidelines although brings about beneficial use to the community. Some council departments have put in place restrictions on buildings to stop them being built past a certain height in order to keep a community in a certain man ner. As stated in the Byron Environmental Planning and Assessment act 1979, Byron Local Environment plan 1988, [12] The council must not consent to the erection of any building if the floor of the topmost floor level of the building exceeds 7.5 metres above the existing ground level, or, the vertical distance between the topmost part of the building and the existing ground level below exceeds 11.5 metres. This shows that Council departments have 5.3 Environmental Issues When considering high-rise buildings the effects that the high-rise would have on the environment must be thoroughly investigated, as it would have limitations as to how high the building can go. The waste produced by the building as a day to day product will impact greatly on the environment. The higher the building is generally means the more people it can accommodate for, although with the number of people that would use the building rising, so does the waste they produce. With things such as rubbish and sewage it is important that there is adequate systems in place, where the building is going to be located that are able to deal with these issues. Such as that the sewers will be able to accommodate for the amount of sewage that is produced. Due to the amount of people that would use a high-rise building there is a lot of energy needed to keep the building running. This impacts on the environment as with the creation of energy comes the creation of green house gasses and the waste produced in making the energy. With the trend to build upward increasing, there are various strategies being invented and put into action to accommodate for the need for energy, these strategies are to limit the amount of environmental impact a building would have, there for allowing buildings to be built higher and higher. Studies have shown that through using energy conserving measures on a 20 story building can cut its energy consumption down to less than half its original usage. The issue with using these measures is that they often require some investment throughout the building stages, as materials can often cost more and take longer install, although in the long run would save owners and occupants of the building a lot of money. Taking a Utilitarianism view on this would allow the energy conserving measures to be put in place throughout construction, knowing that it would cost more but work out better in the end (end justifies the means). Where as Kantianism ethical views wo uld possibly not put them in place as it would cost more throughout the building stages (means justifies the end). Plans are currently underway for extreme energy conservation measures in high-rise buildings, with a revolving tower planned to be built in Dubai see fig 5.31. This tower, powered by wind turbines, can not only generate enough energy to power itself but can also generate enough energy to power 10 other buildings similarly sized [13]. With such engineering advancements, in the future limits to high-rises caused by environmental ethical issues will be decreased. Although Personal ethical views often clash with environmental views, such as Energy generating high-rises versus wildlife reserve. Fig 5.31 A computer generated image of the towers ability to physically move 5.4 Congestion Issues One of the issues limiting high-rise buildings is congestion caused by the building. Most high-rises are planned to be built in already congested areas so whilst they are being built issues of space can impact on the construction of the building. As various cranes and machinery is necessary to construct them there must be adequate space to cater for such things. It is important that through the construction of high-rises that the effect on the public is kept to a minimum. Congestion can also be an issue once the building has been built such that various amounts of people may be trying to access the building, bringing in large amounts of traffic on the street. When the building is being designed it is necessary to make sure that building has adequate parking options to make sure it can accommodate for the influx of traffic that it would bring. There are also congestion problems with the amount of people that are around the building on a daily basis, footpaths and public transport must be able to accommodate for the influx of people on the already existing foot traffic. These issues must be accommodated for before the building is built and can often cause high-rises to be limited to how high they go, in certain areas. 5.5 Safety Issues Safety can limit high-rise buildings throughout both the construction stages and once again when the building has been built. The safety of workers is highly important when building such large building and can also limit the height of the building. If something cannot be done safely then it should not be done. All workers have the right to refuse a job if they think its unsafe, this comes under the basic human rights ethic. When working with heights the risk level rises immensely, and all aspects need to be looked at to ensure the safety of both the works and the public around the construction site. Safety is a big concern in high rise building, when they are being designed they need to be designed to withstand various natural disasters, such as earthquakes, storms and floods. It is necessary to design a building to withstand or minimally destruct through these disasters. Even if doing so means that they are limited to how high they can stand. Because it is impossible to make high-ri se buildings invincible, through the design process buildings are designed to keep their destruction to a minimal in the event of a disaster, this takes a Utilitarianism view, where actions are to be judged right or wrong solely on the virtue of their consequences, it would be better for a building get damaged in a disaster with human injury kept to a minimum. In 1978 shortly after construction the structural engineer behind the Citicorp building discovered a fatal floor in its design, realising that the building was vastly unsafe [14]. Whilst reviewing the design of the building in order to design one similar. This fatal floor was that the original butt weld designs used for the joints on the wind bracing system were replaced with a bolt design due to economic reason. After reviewing the forces that the joints were designed to withstand it was evident that they were only deigned to withstand a 16 year storm, whereas it was an understanding that the building was able to withstand a 50 year storm. William Le Messurier, of Cambridge, Mass., was lauded for his ethical conduct, as he proceeded to notify the architect, his client and the building owner that a remedial scheme must be undertaken immediately before the risk of high winds in the fall hurricane season in New York City. A solution was found and the building was brought up to scratch. See figure 5.51, it is evident that if this issue was not dealt with then if the building came down then it would have caused massive death and destruction. This shows good ethical decision making and a utilitarianism point of view. Safety often limits high-rise buildings, if correct ethical guidelines are not followed throughout the design and construction then it can often result in death and destruction. Fig 5.51 City Corp Building Circled in Red 5.6 Conclusion In conclusion it is evident that there are many Ethical issues limiting the construction of high-rise buildings. These issues can come from a range of reasons such as the community, environment, congestion and safety. It is through good ethical principles used by Engineers in todays society that these issues can be overcome and accommodated for in order to brake the boundarys that are holding our high-rises down, whilst still keeping everyone happy. 6.0 Economical issues associated with high rise buildings 6.1 Introduction High rise buildings are typically commercial, or residential. When building a high-rise building there are certain economical issues that arise, such issues are, Business, Financial, Health and Political just to name a few, this can be described as economic imperialism. 6.2 Business Economics Business economics, is closely linked to the economy, for a high-rise building to be made the business would be looking into making it in a city area rather than making one in a rural area, this is because not many people live in a rural area and getting jobs filled for the business can hinder the business growth of a high-rise. High-rise buildings are a standout and might be targeted by terrorists. A huge building being destroyed could have a major impact on the local business economy for example The World Trade Centre was a target for a terrorist attack. Another business factor into building a residential high-rise (apartments) would be the amount of people seeking accommodation [15]. The business economy relies on people consuming the product whether it be insurance or accommodation etc. Therefore this means building a high-rise building will create allot of jobs and boost the local economy a bit, if the product that is being sold is not in demand i.e. The high-rise is an accommod ation hotel built in a rural area with little visitors. The Business will lose money and eventually go bust. Therefore the business limits of the size of the high-rise are limited by the economy. 6.3 Financial Economics Financial economics is the allocation and deployment of economic resources, both spatially and across time, in an uncertain environment [16]. What this means is the way the resources of a company are spent to increase business is always a risk and the financial decisions made will have an affect over time on a business. The need to spend money to make money. For some companies that are investing in the future look into building a high-rise as a financial risk. Finance is the biggest limiting factor when building as high-rise out of all economical factors. This is because high-rise buildings cost allot of money to build, and once built allot of money to maintain. FMV(future monetary value), the nominal future sum of money that a given sum of money is worth at a specified time in the future assuming a certain interest rate, or more generally, rate of return, it is the present value multiplied by the accumulation function. Knowledge of the future can reduce, or possibly eliminate, the u ncertainty of FMV. When building a high-rise they cost a lot of money to a business and are generally a risk that is made to increase asset value, knowledge of the future will decrease the risk associated with building a high-rise. One such knowledge is the height of the high-rise. Another financial burden is safety, and implementing safety in a high-rise building can be very costly, and the cost to maintain safety is costly. With safety comes the cost of security to prevent such things like attacks. Security/safety can have a direct impact on the financial future as they are an ongoing cost. 6.4 Health Economics Health economics is a branch of economics concerned with issues related to scarcity in allocation of health and health care. In broad terms, health economists study the functioning of the health care system and the private and social causes of health-affecting behaviours such as smoking. Health economics is mostly concerned with ethics, it is not ethical to have no health/safety at a high-rise. Health can limit high-rises by a fair bit, as it financially costs money to maintain the health of the employees/patrons. When building a high-rise it is very dangerous and many safety precautions must be implemented. People can die when building a high-rise, ethically this can have a big impact of the building of the high-rise if one worker was to be killed on the work site [17]. Health also requires a safe work environment for the employees, therefore a fire safety and other measures such as security need to be implemented, and these have a direct impact on the future income of the high-rise . Disability measures must be taking for disable people, this means elevators and/or alternative steps etc. Lastly a big cost is toilet facilities, the cost to maintain and to implement toilet facilities is a very costly process and one of the top costs this therefore limits high-rise buildings due to financial costs. 6.5 Political Economics Public choice in economic theory is the use of modern economic tools to study problems that are tradictionally in the province of political science. From the perspective of political science, it may be seen as the subset of positive political theory which deals with subjects in which material interests are assumed to predonminte. Basically this means that political economy is mainly concerned with the behaviour of politicians and government officials. To build a high-rise it first must be approved by officials, then the height of the building may be limited by the officials to. A high-rise is a generally a very tall building and if the local
Friday, October 25, 2019
Good Usage and Good Judgement Essays -- Teaching Writing Education Ess
Good Usage and Good Judgement You are in charge of hiring one person for a business and you have in front of you 1,000 applications. How do you go about choosing the right person for the job? It is impractical to call all 1,000 people in for an interview in order to get a better idea of the type of worker they might be. First things first, you look through the applications. If one of the applications has a mis-spelled word- in the circular file it goes. That's life. If you don't care enough about this job to spell things correctly, then you don't have what it takes for the job. According to some of our "experts" on good usage, this is considered lazy. That is nonsense. When confronted with this great task, efficiency is the key. You are not necessarily looking for the best person for the job. You are looking for your idea of the best person for the job. So what if it's unfair. That's life. Anyone who disagrees with this assessment already has a job. You can afford to be high and mighty when you aren't the one making the decisions or under a time crunch. We brought up the example of a person misspelling coffee on an application. The manager decided that this person was not going to be hired. The point was made that spelling has nothing to do with the ability of the applicant to serve coffee. This point may be correct in an ideal world. But imagine that you were the owner of the coffee shop and your profits depended on the competency of the people you hired. Without having prior knowledge of the caliber of the worker, are you going to hire this person? Of course not. You are going to hire someone who has presented themselves, through language, as someone worthy of the job. In the employment world, language is our appeara... ...uck. You file the thought away and wait to make that decision when your head has cleared. You've had a rough day. How can anyone come up with a clear-cut decision on good usage when you are constantly forced to change it? If you don't change your usage, you won't be conforming to the normal framework of what is appropriate in a given situation. But what is the "normal framework?" If there was only a "god of good usage" in the sky, you could consult him/her and find out what is appropriate. Maybe this god could be an English professor. You realize this would be impossible- they can't seem to agree on the issue of good usage either. You resolve to just use your best judgement considering the circumstances with which you are presented. You don't have any more time to ponder on the point anyway. You've got another stack of applications waiting for you in the morning.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Can Telemedicine Reduce Health Costs Health And Social Care Essay
Telemedicine utilizes assorted information and telecommunication engineerings to supply medical services remotely. Besides specific medical processs, nosologies and electronic records, it besides provides supervising systems between healthcare suppliers and patients to advance home-health direction, instruction, clinical position and wellness result followup ( National Association for Home Care And Hospice, 2008 ) . It is frequently seen as a possible scheme to cut down wellness disparities created by geographic or temporal barriers, homebound position, and cultural stigma. It can buoy up the job of disproportionality in the geographic allotments of healthcare resources and work forces, and increase the entree of health care system among the underserved communities and populations ( Cousineau, 2010b ) . It has besides shown an ability to better wellness communicating by exceeding the temporal boundaries and diminishing the waiting clip in the diagnostic procedure. The expeditious ent ree to telemedicine non merely saves clip but besides reduces cost by using the resources more expeditiously and extinguishing unneeded travelling clip for both doctors and patients, courier services, excess staffing, and excess infirmary stay ( Matusitz & A ; Breen, 2007 ) . Therefore it is really likely to be an alternate and economical option to relieve the load of the limited wellness work force and resources in our health care bringing systems. The Healthy People 2010 includes ends of eliminate wellness disparities among sections of different populations ( U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2005 ) . Surveies have shown that rural countries experience more wellness disparities such as both morbidity, mortality, and with insurance coverage ( Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2009 ) . Age is besides an of import factor that contributes to healthcare barriers such as homebound position and transit affairs. The aged have systematically accounted for about 50 % of all health care expenditures in the United States ( Cousineau, 2010a ) . As the demand for the wellness attention additions, there will be fewer health care workers for attention bringing. If the current tendencies continue, the spread between supply and demand of rural doctor and nurses will be even larger than in urban countries ( Cousineau, 2010b ) . Given the continued growing of chronic unwellne ss in our society and the detonation of new health-related engineerings, surgical techniques and drugs ( Cousineau, 2010c ) , inquiries of how, or if telemedicine can cut down costs or better entree must be address in order to see it as a feasible solution for the drawn-out health care bringing in the United State.IssuesIn malice of the progresss of medical engineering and wellness information sciences that have improved the ability for telemedicine to supply entree to a spectrum of attention, insurance companies and funders continue to eschew the issue of reimbursement for telemedicine services. Indeed, though there has been great promise of telemedicine development really small advancement has really been achieved. The primary challenges continue to be limited reimbursement, licensure, and patient privateness ( Matusitz & A ; Breen, 2007 ) . Since Senate Bill 1665 enacted the ââ¬Å" Telemedicine Delivery Act of 1996 â⬠which imposed legion demand regulating the bringing of h ealth care via telemedicine, several related policies such as HR3030 and HR3200 have besides been introduced to Congress to supply low-cost telemedicine services with ordinances. However, they are all still pending and have been unable to continue. Since there is no direct opposition disputing telemedicine-related policies, this paper will concentrate on discoursing the regulative barriers and legislative actions forestalling them from come oning. With respect to the limited research grounds and expertness in telemedicine, this paper will besides analyse the recent Congressional proposal HR 1601 by sing the quality and wellness results of telemedicine system. Last, it will discourse the impact of Healthcare Reform on telemedicine and my recommendation for future waies.Regulative Barriers and Legislative ActionsLicensurePresently each province regulates its ain pattern of medical specialty. This is a jurisdictional right that is recognized by the Supreme Court. For this ground, most healthcare professionals are licensed on a state-by-state footing. Telemedicine hence is besides geographically regulated by single provinces. Many legal issues originate when a ââ¬Å" pattern â⬠is done via a telecommunication nexus across different province lines. Each province they cross into can enforce a demand on the supplier to keep a full medical licence before seeing their out-of-state patients via telemedicine engineerings. It is hard and dearly-won for healthcare practicians to keep and keeping multiple licences, particularly those in the rural countries where the healthcare demand is non stable ( Cousineau, 2010b ) . For this ground, many merely choose to restrict their pattern to a individual province. In 1996, the Federation of State Medical BoardsA developed theoretical account statute law which allows a province to supply and administrate a limited telemedicine licence. This limited licence permits wellness practicians to pattern in different provinces via telemedicine engineerings, but non physically. Conversely, the American Medical Association decided to follow a policy that requires a full and unrestricted licence in order for a doctor to pattern telemedicine across province lines ( Nickelson, 1998 ) . Beyond licensure issues, while interstate telemedicine patterns could better entree to our current health care systems, it besides raises inquiries about malpractice and struggle of jurisprudence. Presently each province develops its ain malpractice insurance evaluation and most malpractice insurance does non use in instances outside of the province. On the other manus the suppliers of each province are besides concerned about how to exercise legal power over such malpractice claim against other suppliers from out of province who may non be capable to the legal power of the administrative regulative organic structures. Although a national licensure theoretical account for telemedicine seems like a logical solution, it is improbable to get the better of the political and constitutional issues in one measure. A regional geographic attack affecting province medical insurance companies to clear up coverage bounds and develop new policies might be more executable. For illustration, based on telemedicine activities from the Governor ââ¬Ës Associations and Councils in the yesteryear, Cwiek et Al found that the Southern Governors ââ¬Ë Association and the Western Governors ââ¬Ë Association demonstrated a important degree of leading in the country of telemedicine. They have proven to better entree to healthcare and medical specializers and cut down medical costs by traveling information alternatively of people ( Cwiek, Rafiq, Qamar, Tobey, & A ; Merrell, 2007 ) .ReimbursementIn 1997, both the House and the Senate passed HR2015 ââ¬â Balanced Budget Act. It enabled partial Medicare reimbursement f or Telemedicine services. However, professional audience was the lone service allowed by the measure and the payment had to be shared among assorted parties with really rigorous ordinances. In 2000, Congress passed appropriations measure HR 5661, the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act, which significantly revised Medicare ordinances for reimbursement for Telemedicine services ( The American Telemedicine Association, 2010 ) . The Healthcare Financing Administration extended Medicare coverage to medical visits, audiences, mental wellness services, and pharmacologic monitoring of patients populating in the rural country. Further, it extended payment rates to suppliers which were similar to that paid without the usage of telemedicine. Medicare besides pays a installation fee for per telemedicine session. However, obstructions remain because the reimbursement is normally allowed for directed physical communicating merely, such as face-to-face audiences. Besides, the opposition of reimbursement from the private insurance companies continues with non-feasible ordinances ( Matusitz & A ; Breen, 2007 ) .Limited research grounds on Telemedicine and HR1601HR1601 was introduced to the Congress by Jefferson in 2007 and it was referred to Committee for consideration of telemedicine service facilitation ( Thomas Library of Congress, 2007 ) . The end of this measure is to bespeak grants to put up telemedicine services in a spectrum of assorted healthcare systems including nursing place and public clinics. Rather than proposing the solution or overall support mechanism in the long term the purpose of this measure is to bespeak support for telemedicine pilot undertakings and bring forth research grounds. HR1601 would guarantee that the Office for the Advancement of Telemedicine in the Health Resources and Services Administration ( HRSA ) would supervise and organize pilot surveies with related federal bureaus of medical underserved populations in both urban and rural country, with the assistance of grants. HRSA would do recommendation harmonizing to their rating of whether these undertakings consequences in addition of entree and quality of attention, publicity of patient independency, lessening wellness disparities, and betterment of cost effectivity ( Prinz, Cramer, & A ; Englund, 2008 ) .QualityThe quality of telemedicine services has the most direct impact on the likeliness of go throughing policies of support. In order to present the optimum telemedicine service the quality of the telemedicine system needs to be reliable, user friendly and cosmopolitan in order to incorporate into assorted computerized system. Standardized counsel should be implemented so the telemedicine system can efficaciously and accurately pass on with bing computerized system in the infirmary and place wellness bureaus. The challenge lays in the complexness of telemedicine engineering, including hardware and package mutual exclusiveness, syste m integrating complexness, and communicating troubles due to low velocity digital lines ( Prinz, et al. , 2008 ) . Information could be lost while meeting communicating troubles and equipment failures which would earnestly impact the dependability of telemedicine service suppliers, particularly private place wellness bureaus in the rural country.Health resultUse of Telemedicine engineering ( such as picture cameras and supervising devices ) in the Home Care puting additions entree to healthcare bringing by leting direct communicating between patients and wellness practicians beyond geographic and temporal boundaries. There is increasing grounds demoing that that telemedicine is associated with the positive result of self-management and conformity in chronic unwellness such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes ( Artinian, 2007 ; Chumbler, et al. , 2005 ) . On the other manus, some argue that this grounds is non quantifiable because of the use of assorted telemedicine engineerings in different disease countries. The deficiency of thorough clinical tests might be the ground that holds back reimbursement organisation and promotion of telemedicine uses ( Prinz, et al. , 2008 ) . Some grounds even shows that using telemedicine services contributes no difference in patients ââ¬Ë wellness result but a greater cost comparison to other healthcare bringing methods ( Bowles & A ; Baugh, 2007 ) , therefore corrupting the necessity to reimburse a more dearly-won healthcare bringing method.The Impact of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act & A ; Patient Protection and Affordable Care ActBased on the belief that wellness information engineering and electronic medical records are indispensable for the transmutation of telemedicine health care bringing, the federal authorities utilized the commissariats of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ( ARRA ) to authorise about $ 38 billion in funding for wellness information engineering substructure over the foll owing 6 old ages. The inside informations about how this support will be utilized are written in the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health ( HITECH ) subdivision in the ARRA. The largest part of this support is targeted at incentive payments by Medicare and Medicaid to eligible suppliers for the execution of wellness information engineerings. Specifically, in order to be qualified for these inducements the health care suppliers must follow a certification for the electronic medical record system and exhibit the practical usage ( Cline, 2010 ) . In March 2009 President Obama signed HR 3590, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ( PPACA ) into jurisprudence. ThisA important wellness attention reform jurisprudence allows advanced payment and service bringing theoretical account to better entree, quality of health care, and cut down plan cost to persons, written specifically in Section 3021 ( Government Relations Staff, 2010 ) . A New Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation will back up primary attention practicians on flying telemedicine application in chronic attention direction. It will implement telemedicine plan in infirmaries, accountable attention organisations, and independency at place for distant patient monitoring. This jurisprudence encourages wellness information engineering and electronic medical records acceptance to ease attention coordination. It besides allows each province to utilize the new Medicaid ââ¬Å" Health Home â⬠plan to progress chronic attention.RecommendationsOverall, I believe that the Telemedicine can increase entree and cut down cost in the long tally with the support of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act & A ; Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. There is no uncertainty that the Telemedicine is capable of transforming our health care bringing system in both positive and negative waies, nevertheless, I believe that the pros outweigh the cons. It is notable that most of the up to day of the month pilot research surveies mentioned supra have made positive impacts on the entree of healthcare bringing. Inadequate and unequal coverage for telemedicine service earnestly delayed the execution of cost-saving and quality-improvement solutions, and constrained the entree and picks in assorted forte services in rural countries. Current expanded Medicare coverage for Telemedicine is in procedure of work outing this issue, but specifically I think Congress should besides widen Medicare coverage to medical services using ââ¬Å" store-and-forward â⬠t elemedicine ( for illustration direction and showing for diabetic related retinopathy ) , and to suppliers whose services are otherwise covered for Medicare. I besides recommend a more aggressive plan for pull offing the demands and costs of chronic patients who are presently homebound or are potentially at hazard to be administered into a infirmary or nursing place. Thousands of veteran patients are profiting from place wellness telemedicine plan to organize their attention. The US Veteran Affairs have found that their patients follow the usage of these devices easy and are really satisfied with their attention coordination service ( US Department of Veterans Affairs, 2009 ) . Therefore, Congress should advance Home Telemedicine and include it in the reimbursement component to cover the costs of related devices and engineering. Most provinces ââ¬Ë Medicaid already covered some telemedicine services. It can be optimize by back uping primary attention doctors to suit telemedicine services, maximise the usage of picture and telecommunication to cut down patients ââ¬Ë travelling, and increase ââ¬Å" store-and-forward â⬠engineering uses such as sharing medical images for diagnosing. The current rural wellness plan should prolong the operation of high-velocity cyberspace entree and wireless connexion within all eligible wellness installations to accomplish efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Congress should besides set up a licensing board to promote interstate medical licensure cooperation by geographic zone. Finally, I believe that with effectual execution, wellness practicians and patients can get the better of the challenges limited the development and success of telemedicine.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Western Colonialism and Capitalism
A lot of negative effects caused by Western colonialism and capitalism in the third world countries that have contributed to their current political and economic crises have been discussed; however, the main objective of this presentation is to discuss the progressive role played by Western colonialism and capitalism in the third world countries when contrasted with pre-colonial period and where they were left by their colonial masters to present date. Colonialism Colonialism refers to as a system whereby a state holds sovereignty over territory and people who are outside its own boundaries. It assumes the right of one people to impose their will to others. Between nineteenth and twentieth centuries, most rich and powerful states in the European countries such as Britain did own third world colonies. Up-to-date, the legitimacy of colonialism by European countries to these third world countries has elicited a heated debate in political arena and among the moral philosophers all over the world. Colonialism is not a new phenomenon. In the past society used to expand to immediate territories and settling it own natives on the newly conquered land. Such example includes the ancient Greeks, Romans and Ottomans to mention but a few. But it is evident that colonialism was not static but evolving due to technological advancements particularly in navigation that enabled connecting to the remotest parts of the world. Invention of the fast sailing ships facilitated reaching the distant ports in other side of the world while managing to maintain closer ties between the mother land of the master colonialism and their colonial territories. Therefore, the modern European colonialism materialized when it was possible to move large number of people across the ocean and maintain political sovereignty regardless of geographical scatteredness. Many political theorists have troubled themselves in attempt to reconcile ideas about the justice and law with the practice with which European ruled over the third world countries. In nineteenth century, conflict emerged that made tension to build up between the proponents of liberal thought and colonial practice. Many of political philosophers stood to defend the principles of attainments of universalism and equity while on the other hand they were antagonistic in bid to legitimize colonialism and imperialism. They reconciled this controversy with idea that, there was a need for ââ¬Ëcivilization missionââ¬â¢ which was to be for temporal period of what they called political dependence that was vital so that to make ââ¬Ëuncivilizedââ¬â¢ societies to advance in a state of achieving sustainable liberal institutions and self government. Capitalism Capitalism refers to European practices that not only include social practices that are easily practiced over geographical and historical distances but also encompass the ââ¬Ëway of thinkingââ¬â¢. The term capitalist has been widely used in the Marxist theory which refers to means of production that are on the hands of a few and operated for making profit and that the benefits realized from the production belong to the owners of the means of production. Mercantilism was the earliest form of capitalist in the olden days that originated in the Middle East, Rome and also existed during early Middle Age. It involved distribution of goods in the transactions in such way that there is profit making. In this situation, goods were bought from one place and move to another site to be sold at relatively higher prices. Beside Romans, Arabic cultures were also known of mercantilism. They had a long history on their trade routes in their major empires. Medieval Europeans learnt learned about this type of economy from their Islamic neighbors as it has been noticed in large number of economic terms found in European languages some which are derivatives from Arabic. Gradually, mercantilism in Europe evolved into economic practices that were eventually referred to as capitalism. Capitalism employs the same principle as mercantilism that involves large scale profit realization by acquisition of goods at lower price than selling them at a profit. Capitalism is characterized by several features. First, there is accumulation of means of the production such as materials, land and tools by minority of people. This property accumulation is referred to as capital and the owners of these means of production are known as capitalists. The second characteristic of capitalism is productive labor. Human work is of great importance because it facilitates the production of goods and their distribution. This happens in form of the wage labor. The striking aspects of wage labor here is that it is not invested in the product and it is considered to be efficient in terms of productivity. Capitalism boosts individual productivity by means of division of labor whereby productive labor is divided into smallest components possible. In capitalism, the means of production and labor is manipulated by the capitalist by use of rational circulation to gain profit. On the other hand, capitalism as a way of thinking is basically individualistic. This is true because it focuses on capitalist endeavor. This bring out the Enlightenment concepts of individuality in that all the individuals are not the same; the society is composed of individual in pursuit of their own interest and that they should be free to peruse their own interests, that is ,economic freedom. Also, this concept advocates for democratic sense in that individuals perusing their own interests can guarantee the interests of the whole society. Therefore, Enlightenment idea of progress is grounded on the fact that the large-scale social goal of unregulated capitalism can produce wealth and make the national economy wealthier and more affluent than it would otherwise have not been. So, essentially, capitalism as a way of thinking is built on the concept of economic growth (Friedman & Friedman, pp5). While this may be true, capitalism has been having a close link with adverse effects of human inequality and valorization that has characterized exploitation of one or more groups by others. It has been argued that capitalist relations evoke alienation of workers from the products they make. This makes both commodities and the workers circulating commodities that circulate in the expanding market. When the laborers are considered to be interchangeable, it becomes the interest of the capitalist to give workers low wage or no wage at all. By doing this, capitalists are able to create surplus of money from their capital invested meanwhile their commodities circulate in the market. Because human beings were one of the vital commodities for success in early capitalism, enslaved workers could be shipped between the colonial territories to the help in monocropping on the large plantations. Presently, capitalist is usually understood to be a mean of system whereby the allocation of resources is by dictates of mechanism of the markets that are driven by profit motive. The advantages of the capitalism are that the government does not interfere with the business because there is limited control over it and that people have choice on what they want to do and where. Also, people are at liberty to do what they want with their money. However, this mode of economy has negative outcomes. Because the government is required to liberalize the market it has limited control over it and this can make few businesses to take monopoly which may lead to inefficiencies. In addition to this, capitalism only reward those who are fortunate to have natural scare abilities and not necessarily as result of hard work and this lead to huge inequities in income and wealth. The Progressive role of Western colonialism and capitalism in Third world Even though colonialism and capitalism had its own shortcomings, nevertheless, there is also a positive effect on balance we can talk about. Before colonialism, Africa only knew of socialism which was widely practiced among different communities. Socialism is a system that advocates for collective ownership and management of the means of production and distribution of goods. It is the opposite of capitalism which is a system hereby economy is based on private ownership of the means of production and personal profit can be realized through capital investment and employment of labor. Colonialism brought a new idea to Africa that the material progress and prosperity were possible for the masses of people. Africans in pre-colonial period did not imagine that could ever happen. They assumed that the material possessions they had were fixed. They believed in such things like plenty of the harvest could result to increase of food in the basket but the idea that living conditions could be changed was strange to them. They did not have a clue of the prospect that instead of trekking for miles in search of water it was possible to have piped water homes. Colonialism brought idea of progress in humanity. They enabled them to realize that people have capability to improve their condition of existence and that tomorrow could be much better that today (Ondeng, pp 26). Development of Infrastructure When colonialism stepped into sub-Saharan Africa three main objectives were the driving force. First objective was to meet the increasing demand of the raw materials for their industries. Second objective was to be able to secure areas and their territories that could form the market for their industrial goods produced by the capitalisms as it was are of industrial evolution. The last objective was that, they wanted to identify and dominate certain strategic areas that would be their future potential region for their investments. Therefore, as it can be seen, the main aim of capitalism expansion through colonialism was purely economic. But it was first necessary through political process of colonialism to create colonial territories to be able to achieve economic goals. Establishment of colonial territories was immediately followed by setting out diversified changes that included both social and economic among subdued societies in order to fulfill economic targets. This called for breaking down the already existed social and political system which resulted in replacement of traditional chiefdoms and kingdoms by Western European political system and consolidation of colonial state. Greater portions of fertile lands were given to settler farmers who produced non-agricultural raw materials for western industries. In order to make this kind of economy efficient, there was a dire need to establish communication infrastructure such roads, railway lines and ports so that there can be a linkage between hinterland and coastal to facilitate securing resources and human labor. In such regions only footpaths did exist that were used by human porters and animal. Most of the roads and railway network seen today in many parts of African countries speaks of a positive legacy from Western colonialism and capitalist in Africa and other third world countries. A good example of such country is Nigeria. In pre-colonial period, transport systems were limited to porterage over the land that was only utilized by animal and humans and small boats in waterways that are in southern and central Nigeria. In states of Nigeria, there were extensive trade routes in its territories which also facilitated movement of goods across the deserts to trade with North Africa and extended to the coast that involved trade with European. The roads were maintained by local leaders using hired labor or conscripted locals on the basis of the age. During this period the basic means of transport were pack animals and human porters. When British claimed Nigeria to be its colony, is started building transport network that would make efficient its ruling over this territory and make easier utilization of the resources in the region. It started with construction of the roads which was later followed by railway lines construction. This facilitated movement of good and people from one place to another as the need demanded which was critical as it helped to maintain strong economic and political ties within its territory. Since Nigeria gained independence there has been little in building new infrastructure network apart from what was established by their colonial master. This has been so because the Civilian governments had experiencing budgetary deficit and their priorities were to maintain regional divisions rather than improving transportation network and building better one in accordance modern world technology. However, while some few military governments were interested in development of better transport system, this turned to be a day dream. Therefore, post-colonial transport systems currently existing are just minimal maintenance of the infrastructure which their colonial master had set. This is a clear indication of the progressive role the Western colonialism and capitalism did play in Nigeria before they had left (Husher, para. 4-9). Suppression of barbaric practices Colonialism brought enlightenment in Africa. During pre-colonial period some African countries cannibalism and pagan worship was common practices. Practices such as cannibalism were usually restricted to specific regions particularly in West Africa. Such practices were not necessarily driven by craves for human flesh but were basically for rituals and sacrifices. The belief behind these practices of man eating were to receive imbibe magic strength that was considered to be transferred by through soul material. This soul material was particularly identified by certain body part of the victim particularly the head. In the community that practiced such behavior they had a belief that if a young man ate the elder, such individual could get wisdom or if it was an elder who ate a young victim this could have added vigor. African had a strong attachment with the dead. In fact, cannibalism in Africa was part of religious act that consisted of complex rules that actually prescribed who should partake of the human flesh and who is supposed to be eaten and also clearly spelt out which part were to be eaten. It also described what parts of the victimââ¬â¢s body were to be kept as part of relics. There were other instances where medicines were made out of the human flesh. For instance, in Leopard societies in Sierra Leone, they used human entails to make certain kind of medicines. When the Sierra Leone became a British colony, the first thing they did was to bring to an end this practice. First, the British investigated what was happening in the jungle. When it had a breakthrough in its investigations to address this extraordinary killing of human beings, it passed a bill which was called ââ¬ËThe Leopard Ordonanceââ¬â¢. This outlawed any possession of a leopard skin that were usually worn by these people who practiced these rituals, a three- pronged knife and a special native medicine called Borfina that constituted a concoction of human flesh such as fat and blood. It was potent in the hand of its owner as it was believed to help one to be powerful and rich . Through use of law and assimilation of European culture Africans experienced a transformation that played a great role in liberating them from such practices. This helped to uphold human dignity and universal human rights particularly right to life (Karoline, para. 7-14). Modern medicine As many of colonial powers embarked on a political project to control much of the world, diseases were the major obstacles for their expansion particularly in African continent. Tropical diseases such as malaria among others posed great challenge because there was no efficient form of medical treatment that existed in African land before except traditional medicine. Many African had a belief that disease was as result of witchcraft or evil spirits as opposed to empirical approach in treatment and management of the disease by European countries . This necessitated them to have attachment of medical personnel to commercial marines and putting up of rudimentary hospital facilities at their colonial territories. A good example is development of medical care in Tanzania. Christian missionaries were the first to introduce allopathic medicine in the territory. Eventually the colonial master in Tanzania assumed the responsibility of providing the health care to serve the army garrison that was stationed in the region partly to counter indigenous resistance and also to provide health care to European settlers. In British colonies they promoted establishment of the London and Liverpool schools of medicine where the study of tropical disease such as those found in the region was given the first priority. After World War 1, Tanzania became a British colony and it assumed the control of colonial medical care where it provided medical care at provincial and district administration levels, voluntary services that involved missions and employer-based that catered for the medical needs at plantations, mines and factories. They also implemented preventative measures that were in form of public health programs. This greatly helped to address the health needs of African that never existed before. It is on the basis of these colonial efforts to address tropical diseases which were a threat to their lives helped to see African countries with improved health care and reduced mortality rate from fatal tropical diseases (Baer, Singer and Susser, pp 18-22). Conclusion Colonialism by the Europe countries was considered to be a mission of civilization to the ââ¬Ëuncivilized societiesââ¬â¢ to be able to advance in state of achieving sustainable liberalized institutions and self government. However the legitimacy of colonialism by these European nations has always staged unsettled debate both in political sphere and with moral philosophers all over the world. Colonialism proved to be the only way through which West Europe could peruse their capitalism motives in the third world countries. Even though there have been shortcomings associated with colonial rule there has been an overall positive effect for Africa. Colonial rule brought enlightenment where ignorance did thrive. It helped to suppress barbaric practices such as pagan worship and cannibalism among others. It laid the seeds of the intellectual and material development as seen through infrastructure development, formal education and modern medicine that saved many Africans lives from deadly tropical diseases that were considered to be caused by witchcraft. Also it helped to reduce the economic gap whereby integration of colonies into international capitalist economy ushered in initial stages of globalization.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Do not miss these cities while exploring Europe
Do not miss these cities while exploring Europe The lesser-known European cities which are worth tourist attention Paris, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Florence, Berlinâ⬠¦All these famous cities have become the visiting cards of Europe. However, there are many other European cities which deserve our attention as well. They have a lot of interesting things to offer. These underrated cities are full of hidden cultural and historic treasures. So, it is high time to explore them. à The charming, cobblestone city of Maastricht This Dutch city will definitely impress you with its French and Belgian twists in the architecture, Roman and Spanish ruins, and sophisticated drink and food. It is considered to be one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands. Maastricht is a lively and energetic place with beautiful historic streets and a distinct international spirit. The biggest attractions of Maastricht are the underground tours to the casemates. It would be very interesting to walk through the tunnels and listen to the stories about the life underground. You can also enjoy the stunning Limburg landscapes during a boat ride over the river Meuse. Don`t forget to visit the annual European Fine Art Fair and enjoy the artworks of contemporary and modern artists. The ancient, Arabic-inspired city of Cadiz The Andalusian city of Cadiz is almost entirely surrounded by water. It has no shortage of breathtaking views and tourist attractions. White houses, open plazas, cobblestone streets, wonderful beaches and seafood, and charming old center ââ¬â all these things will definitely impress every visitor of Cadiz. This city is well known for its fabulous seafood and fish. At El Faro restaurant you can enjoy some delicious local dishes. Don`t forget to take an excursion to Castillo San Sebastian, which is a magnificent historic fortress, linked to the sea by a tidal causeway. Hamburg ââ¬â a Germany`s Gateway to the World Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany, the biggest port, and the centre of international trade. It is one of Germany`s wealthiest cities. There are a lot of attractions in Hamburg which are really worth your attention. There is always something to marvel at the Fish Market, HafenCity, and Port of Hamburg. You can visit the century-old Speicherstadt, which is the world-largest contiguous warehouse complex. Elbphilarmonie in HafenCity is a new cultural and urban landmark of Hamburg. It is one of the ten best concert halls in the world, where you can enjoy the classical music culture, music of the 21st century and sophisticated light music. The Portugal city of Porto will become your love at first sight Its higgledy-piggledy medieval centre, charismatic locals, divine food and wine, beautiful monuments and bridges, tiles, shopping streets, hipster bars, flowering balconies, baroque churches, and colorful cliffs will definitely leave you breathless. This city looks like it has emerged from the pages of a storybook. The River Douro on the Gaia side and the historic centre of Porto belong to the World Heritage. Don`t miss to visit Casa do Infante, by Riberia, enjoy the great beaches and cafà © terraces at the mouth of the river Douro, explore Porto by night, try a francesinha, which is one of Porto`s specialties, and stroll through the Parque da Cidade, down the seafront. Perugia ââ¬â the picturesque Umbrian city with rich history Perugia is a substantial town city with good transport links and a number of historical attractions. It is a medieval, hilltop city that rises above the lush vineyard and hills. It is a major center of medieval art and a major producer of chocolates. It is a home of the Eurochocolate Festival and Umbria Jazz Festival. The Saint Peter`s Basilica is one of the most significant and symbolic landmarks of the city. Fontana Maggiore is the main symbol of Perugia. It is a perfect holiday destination with the beauty of the architecture and active leisure active ideas. The charming city of Aarhus has plenty to offer Aarhus is the second-largest city in Denmark, which is full of opportunities for tourists. It is surrounded by beautiful nature. Here you will find wonderful areas for running, walking, and biking. It has several attractions that are renowned internationally. Den Gamle By, ARoS Aarhus Art Museum, Musikhuset Aarhus, Moesgaard Museum, and Tropical Houses at the Botanical Garden are the absolute best attractions in Aarhus. You should definitely visit this city if you are interested in art and architecture.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Drugs, Alcohol, Stimulants, Depressants and Theories Essay Example
Drugs, Alcohol, Stimulants, Depressants and Theories Essay Example Drugs, Alcohol, Stimulants, Depressants and Theories Paper Drugs, Alcohol, Stimulants, Depressants and Theories Paper Stimulants are those drugs that provisionally amplify attentiveness and consciousness. They typically have amplified side-effects with augmented efficiency, and the prevailing alternatives are consequently often drug remedies or prohibited drugs. Stimulant drugs boost the doings of neither the central nervous system, sensitive nervous system nor both. Several stimulants generate a feeling of exhilaration, particularly those stimulants that put forth influence on the central nervous system. Stimulant drugs are therapeutically used to boost or sustain attentiveness, to work against fatigue in circumstances where slumber is not convenient, to thwart irregular states that reduce attentiveness perception, to uphold weight loss and to augment legally the capability to contemplate in individuals with attentional disruptions for instance ADHD (CherlandFitzpatrick 1999, p811). Sporadically, stimulants are used to manage depression as well. Stimulant drugs are at times used to increase stamina and efficiency and to repress hunger, consequently also identified to promote eating abnormality like anorexia if ill-treated. The elation created by several stimulants makes recreational purposes, even though this is against the law within major authorities. Caffeine is found in tobacco as well as nicotine, which is also found in beverages such as soft drinks and coffee, are amid some of the most frequently used stimulant drugs. Recognized stimulants comprise amphetamines, ephedrine, cocaine, modafinil, methylphenidate and MDMA. A stimulant drug is usually referred in jargon as the ââ¬Ëupperââ¬â¢. These drugs with considerable misuse potential are extremely cautiously controlled substances. Some are legally available merely by recommendation (mixed amphetamine salts, methamphetamine, Dexedrine, dexamphetamine, Adderall. Phenethylamine is a monoamine and alkaloid and it is understood to be a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator. Additionally it is the fundamental chemical composition behind the majority of stimulants, particularly the sympathomimetic amine. The term ââ¬Ëdownerââ¬â¢ talks about the whole class of drug recognized as Depressant Drugs. Depressants are chemical drugs which slow down, or hold back, the performance of brain as well as central nervous system. Though several downers are obtainable nowadays, all plunge to one of the two major classes: sedative-hypnotics and tranquilizers. Tranquilizers are drugs that basically anesthetize, or decrease emotional as well as physical tension. The Sedative-hypnotic drugs take things a further step and provoke sleep. A widespread term for the sedative-hypnotics is the sleeping pills. Generally, the temporary effects of depressants are comparable. Major effects take account of augmented muscular repose and reduced nervousness. During the practice, they reduce self-consciousness, slow spontaneous effects, and damage dexterity. Along the negative aspect, depressants have also a propensity for tedious judgment, decrease opinion, and hinder recollection, responsibilities at work, on the road, or further settings that require clear judgment as well as prompt reactions. To the extent that they are comparable, depressants are still different; predominantly in the system they attain their effects. Broadly used as a sleeping pill, the barbiturate (Seconal, Tuinal,) is as obtainable as legal drugs might be. The most accepted sleeping pill and non-barbiturate is Halcion but Halcion has a negative aspect for it abates quickly that several users have apprehension as the drugs outcomes weaken. Abnormal reactions regarding Halcion were reported including hallucinations, amnesia, and violent behavior. In its legal use, tranquilizers, as depressants, are used to lessen delusions, hallucinations, as well as the intensity of rigorous cognitive-affective illness like schizophrenia. Given that main tranquilizers do not generate effects that people experience as gratifying, they are infrequently mistreated. On the contrary, the minor tranquilizers are the big issues. What people are currently ââ¬Ëintoââ¬â¢ is a set of drugs medically known as anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing); major types consist of meprobamate, benzodiazepine (BZD), as well as the painkilling antihistamines. Addictive Drugs: Tobacco, Caffeine and Alcohol Tobacco is widely known as an addictive drug. In general, smoking a cigarette is the initial group-shared drug occurrence, or the first illegal drug occurrence, akin to the use of Marijuana as itââ¬â¢s frequently unseen and outside the family as well as common societal approval values. Smoking can assist drug use afterward through teaching how to acutely breathe in and hold the smoke within the lungs thus cigarettes or tobacco, as smoked drugs, instigate teens into the feeling of gasping a drug as well as desensitize to a sensation of smoke entering into the lungs used for hashish, marijuana, or crack cocaine. The extent of tobacco use is openly associated to several drug uses; decades ago, tobacco companies disclose that if they take away the nicotine addictive element, people will stop buying tobacco products. Caffeine is actually the most established drug and it is within teas, colas, coffees, chocolates, as well as other various things. Caffeine is thus an addictive drug for the reason that functions on our brain, by means of identical mechanisms as cocaine, amphetamines, as well as heroin to rouse our mind. Though it is considered milder than others, caffeine is maneuvering very similar channels therefore it is addictive. Caffeine is in fact the trimethylxanthine having the chemical formula of C8H10N402. When secluded in uncontaminated structure, caffeine is a colorless crystalline particle with pungent taste. Physicians make use of it as cardiac stimulants and as mild diuretics (augment urine production). However usual folks endure it for ââ¬Å"boost of energyâ⬠or sensation of sharp attentiveness it provides; it is frequently used to make individuals to be awake longer. Perceptibly, what is occurs is that our body becomes exhausted and requires rest; however, it is fluffed up instead to action. Our body, constantly pushed to greater action when it needs to stop to relax, is slowly dented. Rather than recovering, the organs of our body increasingly deteriorate and ultimately, the weak ones turn out to be unhealthy. Naturally, Caffeine is found in numerous plants, counting cocoa nuts, coffee beans, and tea leaves. As a result of this, it is established in an extensive multiplicity of foods. Additionally, caffeine is included as well in beverages. As the body turns out to be exhausted, the adenosine is manufactured within the brain, and then it binds to the adenosine receptor; this generates sleepiness through slowing the nerve cell activities. Moreover, the adenosine in our brain causes blood vessels to enlarge consequently further oxygen can arrive at the brain throughout sleeping. For the reason that the existence of caffeine is 6 hours, by the instance we get into bed, we cannot be asleep or we will not get hold of a deep sleep we necessitate; if the last cup of coffee was taken at 3pm, thus by 9pm, we still have 100mg in our body. as a result we feel inferior the following morning and we call for caffeine to be up and doing. Alcohol is an exceedingly addictive drug and it is thus categorized as a depressant drug, for the reason that it will slow down our body as well as our mind. A different way to explain it is that alcohol causes sedation, relaxation, and if an adequate quantity is devoured, the consequence will possibly be coma or even death. Judgment and way of thinking are two of the very important personality transformations that take place. The concentration of which is actually dose-related. The momentum of alcohol absorption has an effect on the speed at which one turns out to be drunk. Different from foods, alcohol does not require being unhurriedly absorbed. It is absorbed instantaneously to out blood, directly having passed within and through the walls of our appetite and frequently in our small intestines and the blood speedily conveys it to our brain (Blum 1991, p15). As an individual drinks quicker than an alcohol can be eradicated, the drug mounts up in our body, ensuing in higher quantities of alcohol within our blood. Alcohol is also burned, metabolized, as well as broken down in our body at a rather steady rate; the time-span for alcohol metabolism have an effect on the pace when one happens to be temperate all over again. Drug Abuse: Theories of Anomie, Differential Association and Social Control Anomie Theory drug use along with mistreatment are societal incidents subject to the clarity and response of the society. There is insight within the disputes of sociologists that societal evils, counting drug addiction, are communally created. Robert Merton defined Anomie as a collapse within the cultural formation, predominantly occurring when thereââ¬â¢s a severe disjunction connecting the cultural goals and norms as well as the publicly controlled capabilities of the members of a group to do something in agreement with them. The conduct of an addicted person is complicated from several perceptions; it causes a noticeable challenge to an individual eager to stop but powerless to end it. Addiction commences in consumption manners the notion of deviance and habit: consequently the growth of customs, at social and individual plane, with the cognitive system where they depend on should be considered. A person is not located in a vacuity but she/he acts within specific framework, with informal and formal regulations. Cognition takes place from the individual within this structure and awareness has an important function in the creation of genuine models of manners that may perhaps be rather dissimilar among people. Differential Association Edwin Sutherland proposed this theory explaining that by means of interaction with other people, human beings gain knowledge of the attitudes, values, strategies, as well as motives for illegal manners. This assumption claims that unlawful actions are learned manners and learned by way of social relations with other people. It socially grows for people to make an offense, thus to become addicted to drugs. Differential association envisages that a person will prefer to become addicted to drugs when the equilibrium of classifications for misdemeanor goes beyond those for the obedient. This propensity will be toughened if the social connection provides dynamic individuals in the personââ¬â¢s existence. The person, earlier in his/her life, comes under the pressure of those with high status in a group; the further expected the person to pursue in their path. This doesnââ¬â¢t refute that there may possibly be realistic reasons for misdeed. If an individual is starving but without money, there are persuasions to steal however, uses of ââ¬Ëvaluesââ¬â¢ as well as ââ¬Ëneedsââ¬â¢ are undecided. To a lesser or greater point, criminal and non-criminal people are provoked by the necessity for money as well as public gain. Social Control Theory Travis Hirschi puts forward that peoples beliefs, relations, values, commitments, and norms persuade them not to follow the laws. Consequently, if the ethical codes are realized and people are attached to, and comprise a chance in a wider society, they are willing to limit their tendency for making deviant deeds. The premise aims to comprehend the customs wherein it is probable to decrease the probability of illegal drug use developing in people. It doesnââ¬â¢t mull over motivational concerns, basically claiming that people may prefer to employ in an extensive variety of activities, except that the range is restricted by routes of social learning as well as socialization (Thombs 1994, p27). Furthermore, Hirschi stressed that immoral groups would have no undeviating effect on criminal behavior when communal bonds restraining misbehavior were considered. He disputed that correspondingly uncommitted youth flowed mutually into groups against the law for the reason that weak societal bonds failed to put off relationship with delinquents along with criminal behavior itself. Groups that reinforce bonds were family, constructive groups, spiritual institutions, school, and so forth. This bond has 4 elements (a) connection (parents, school, peers), (b) dedication to conservative actions, (c) participation in accepted activities and (d) conviction in ordinary values. Social Control Theory highlights the reasonableness in the choice whether to connect in crimes and claimed that individuals were less expected to prefer crime if they have strong social bonds. By means of not intentionally disciplined traits and delinquency or unlawful acts independently, it recommends that concepts on low discipline and tendency for illegal deeds are no different. References: Blum, K. (1991). Alcohol and the Addictive Brain: New Hope for Alcoholics from Biogenetic Research. New York: Free Press. pp. 12-15 Cherland, E. and Fitzpatrick, R. (1999). Psychotic side effects of Psychostimulants: A 5-year review. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 44, pp811-813. Thombs, D. L. (1994). Introduction to addictive behaviors. New York: The Guilford Press.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Basketball Business Essay Research Paper In society
Basketball Business Essay, Research Paper In society today High School athleticss are a major concern, particularly High School Basketball. Major Corporations are doing a big net income on high school jocks, selling places ( Nike, Adidas, etc. ) , doing movies ( He Got Game, Hoop Dreams, etc. ) , and books ( Exclusive Influence By Dan Wetzel, Raw Recruits, etc. ) . High school hoops is such a big concern everyone is seeking to acquire their peaice of the pie. Who says there is anything incorrect with brain-washing childs to believe that hoops is traveling to take attention of them for the remainder of their lives without any instruction by high school. These hoops prodigies s have everything they need in High School and Jr. High School, because of what they can make on a hoops tribunal and non what sort of individual or what sort of pupil they are. If one of these young person hoops stars suffers an hurt that would no longer let them to play hoops, they would be left in the cold with nil but narratives of what could hold bee n if they had non gotten hurt. In the two films that I Reference in my paper are He Got Game, and Hoop Dreams, which are about the lives of high school hoops stars that are at the caput of the category, when it comes to basketball. In the movie He Got Game having Ray Allen and Denzel Washington, the high school hoops star Jesus Shuttleworth ( Allen ) , who is the top ranked high school hoops participant in the state. Everyone around him wants to cognize if he s traveling to college or if he traveling to play professional hoops and skip college. Hoop Dreams focuses on two interior metropolis young persons from the Cabrini Green lodging undertakings on Chicago s west side. Both of these immature work forces are recruited to play at a extremely acclaimed high for its faculty members and well-coached hoops every bit good. One of them stays to go a star participant ; the other 1 is forced out because of his economic state of affairs and goes to play for a public school in his vicinity. Both of these films focus on part icipants lives and how basketball effects their determination and their manner of thought. Basketball is their manner of life and is all they know, along with the streets. In the movie, He Got Game, there are many turns to the narrative and it is merely non about a narrative of a immature adult male seeking to pick a college to go to. Jesus ( Allen ) is faced with the world that he has to do a determination, non based on the feelings in his bosom, but what is best for everyone else around him. This is the most of import determination in your life ( 1 ) ( John Thompson hoops manager Georgetown university ) . In my sentiment, this is the most of import determination in his life or one of them because ; he has to make up ones mind if he wants to foster his instruction, or take the money and the fast life that professional athleticss has to offer. For an 18 twelvemonth old to hold to do the determination to do money for something he loves, or to foster his instruction, that is no competition in his head. He figures he can do money now and travel to school when his hoops calling is over. This manner of thought might be incorrect to you and me, but in that c hilds eyes that is the lone thing he sees fit for him. That is a manner of life, non merely a athletics. In the movie Jake ( Washington ) , is faced with a determination of conditions to remain in gaol for the remainder of his clip, or acquire early word if he can acquire his boy to inscribe in the Governors al-mater Big State. You do your portion # 8230 ; you present your boy, and Governor Cornell will make his portion. ( 2 ) ( Warden Marcel ) They are non believing about what is best for Jesus ( Allen ) , but what is best for them and how they can do the most money. One of the biggest parts of the movie is the concern behind high school hoops and the top hoops participants. Jesus is confronted with the option of traveling pro, but he is still diffident of what he wants to make. You # 8217 ; re black, I # 8217 ; m white, and this is green. When it comes to doing concern determinations, the lone colour that affairs is green. ( 3 ) ( Dom, athleticss Agent ) The large concern has taken over the little universe of high school athleticss, either being the shoe company s, summertime going squads, and athleticss agents. In the NCAA, it is illegal for any college jock or possible jock to speak with a athleticss agent, receive gifts, etc. Since all of these things are illegal, these kinds of things should non go on. In the film s every bit good as in existent life, it happens mundane and there is no terminal in sight, unless the shoe company s and the agents go out of concern, but in world that is non traveling to go on. In my sentiment it is a job, but it helps the childs that can t afford places and other things like that, for those childs they figure they go to high school get by pl ay hoops and acquire what of all time they can for the clip that they are at that place. As for the childs that don t necessitate it and recive all that free material and program on traveling to college, they don t even see the tribunal because they are suspended by the NCAA. So there is no victor in any of these state of affairss, except the major company s who merely find the following star they can boom with gifts. The Last facet of the film that was discussed through out the movie was Jesus relationship with his male parent. Jesus didn T claim his male parent because he killed his female parent when he was immature, and he dislodged of the instructions his male parent was seeking to set into his caput turning up. God forgives, when will you ( 3 ) ( Jake ) Jesus does non desire to forgive his male parent because he feels that he killed his female parent on intent and that he didn t love her. In my sentiment, he has the right to be huffy at him and he doesn t have to forgive him unless he feels like allowing him in his bosom. The whole movie they merely made a twosome of scenes that looked at that portion of the narrative. If that was one of the major parts of the movie, so the managers should hold gone more into deepness with that plot line more. He and his male parent had many jobs that they should hold worked out, but in the movie, they were merely at peace with each other at the terminal. In the Documentary, Hoop Dreams Arthur Agee and William Gates face a batch of the same issues as Allen in He Got Game, but they face that early when their acquiring ready to come in High School. Arthur Agee fell into to the concern terminal of hoops when he was kicked out of St. Joseph s. The school promised him that he had a scholarship to the school if he would come to the school and play hoops for them, but when he got at that place and didn Ts make the advancement that, they were trusting he would. That isn T carnival to him or his household because they put some unreal outlooks upon him that he was incognizant of and he had to endure the effects because of it. When these schools recruit childs they should state them what they expect of them and how they want them to come on in that twelvemonth, and what their outlooks are for the twelvemonth. By making this they can hold an Idea of what they need to make and how they should travel about making it. In my sentiment, they shouldn t give these false agencies of security, to construct them up and interrupt them down slow. William Gates was involved in the concern excessively, but he flourished under his fortunes that he was given. William besides had something that Arthur didn T that was worth more at the clip, he had a more mature organic structure and more developed accomplishments and was more coveted because of that. Since he was more skilled and bigger physically, they found a manner for him to remain in school, unlike Arthur. If St Josephs could happen a manner for William to remain, they could hold done the same for Arthur, but they were merely looking at the present and non the hereafter. If they would hold looked at the hereafter so Arthur likely would hold been a better investing than William because he was a better participant win he was older, and he didn t have every bit many wellness jobs. # 8220 ; You # 8217 ; ve got to recognize that cipher cares about you. You # 8217 ; re a immature black male. All you # 8217 ; rheniums supposed to make is cover drugs and mug adult females. The lo ne ground why you # 8217 ; rhenium here is so you can do their squad win, and if the squad wins these schools get a batch of money. This whole thing revolves around money. # 8221 ; ( 4 ) ( Spike Lee ) ( Hoop Dreams ) If they these childs and their parents would hold realized that it was merely a concern so they likely wouldn Ts have gone to that school. This facet of recruiting is non told to you, some things you have to calculate out on your ain. Basketball is a money concern merely like films ; if the merchandise doesn t sell or win, you get fired. Both are barbarous industries ; if you play, play to win. In decision, the movie industry is about doing quality movies, in most other instances it is about money. I don t think that the money should over shadow the movie and what you re seeking to state in the movie. If it was merely about money, why aren T at that place more movies about money alternatively of high school childs playing hoops? There aren T more movies like that because they don t sell, and people want to see some thing that they can associate excessively. Basketball is a concern filled with many political relations ; it is merely traveling to acquire worse every bit long as it merely keeps acquiring bigger. Coaches ever talks about sportsmanship and carry oning your ego with category on the tribunal, but the large concerns don t do it, so why Teach childs to make it. If we conduct ourselves like animate beings, we should non anticipate our childs non to make the same. The bottom line is we should worry about athleticss and their roots, and non our pockets.
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